According to a recent Iowa Policy and Opinion Lab Poll, a plurality of Iowans (45.3%) said they would support a proposed pro-gun amendment to the Iowa Constitution while 28.9% of Iowans answered that they would vote against it. The Iowa legislature passed the proposed state constitutional amendment for a second time in 2021, meaning it could appear on the general election ballot in November 2022. Differences in support for the proposed amendment were found based on respondent party identification and urbanicity.
The poll was designed by the Iowa Policy and Opinion Lab, comprised of University of Iowa faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students. The Iowa Policy and Opinion Lab is co-directed by Frederick J. Boehmke, professor of political science, and Kajsa Dalrymple, professor of journalism and mass communication. The poll is a teaching, research, and service project, and was implemented in collaboration with the Iowa Social Science Research Center directed by Frederick J. Boehmke. The University of Iowa Public Policy Center provided support for this poll as part of its student success mission, intended to expand experiential policy-relevant research for UI students. Zoe Lagessie, Molly Fischer, and Nolan Hansen, Research Fellows for the Iowa Policy and Opinion Lab assisted with the preparation of this release.
RELEASE - A Plurality of Iowans Supports Constitutional Amendment on Gun Rights IPOL 2-2022
TOPLINE - A Plurality of Iowans Supports Constitutional Amendment on Gun Rights IPOL 2-2022