Articles from April 2023
Iowans Gave Themselves a "C" for Their Knowledge of Iowa History in 1981
Monday, April 24, 2023
Recently reconstituted data from 1981 reveal that Iowans had doubts about their own knowledge of Iowa history and were split on which features of Iowa history should be covered in school. These results come from IPOL’s efforts to recover lost data from historical Iowa Polls, starting with Iowa Poll #249, a random sample survey of 1021 Iowans from October 1981.
We the People: Iowans’ Views on Constitutional Rights in 1981
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Recently reconstituted data from 1981 show that Iowans strongly support some items, such as unreasonable search and equality for the sexes, being protected in the United States constitution whereas others, such as the right for life to begin at fertilization, should not. These results come from IPOL’s efforts to recover lost data from historical Iowa Polls, starting with Iowa Poll #249, a random sample survey of 1021 Iowans from October 1981.