Articles from March 2024

Iowans Felt Carter sided with the Poor and Factory Workers Instead of Farmers in 1978

Friday, March 22, 2024
Data restored from a 1978 survey indicates that Iowans believed President Carter sided with the poor and factory workers more than he did with the wealthy, middle class, and farmers. These data come from Iowa Poll #229, a random sample survey of 600 Iowans from March 1978, which has been restored as part of a larger IPOL project to recover lost data from past Iowa Polls.

In 1978, Iowans Preferred Men to Hold Political and Professional Roles

Friday, March 22, 2024
Data restored from a 1978 survey indicates that Iowans Iowans were generally open to women holding various positions in society, but overwhelmingly preferred men to hold them. These data come from Iowa Poll #229, a random sample survey of 600 Iowans from March 1978, which has been restored as part of a larger IPOL project to recover lost data from past Iowa Polls.